Mellonnen! Mo evínedh? … and new Sindarin in The Hobbit


Mellonnen! Mo evínedh? “My friend! Where have you been?”… so Gandalf asks Lord Elrond upon meeting up with him in Rivendell in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

I must apologize for my recent absence of posting articles here. I run this site entirely by myself and with the release of The Hobbit in theaters, and the massive influx of information released in regards to the movie, as well as the holidays, I was a bit overwhelmed and had to take a step back for a while.

Even though I have not posted anything recently I am happy to report that the site has had over 50,000 visitors the first year at it’s new home. Hannon le! Thank you to all who have stopped by!

Now that things have sort of calmed down, I hope to get some new posts up for you.

In the mean time, the folks over at Elendilion have put up a G-i-P Report regarding the the Sindarin phrases spoken in The Hobbit, which is where I got the title for this post. I always find it exciting to hear and learn new elvish phrases, which is one of my favorite bits of the movie, but I’ll post more on that in a future post. If you’d like to see the Sindarin phrases that were used in the movie as well as the analysis of them, I encourage you to stop by Elendilion.

Once again, hannon le, thank you, to all who have stopped by over the last year and stay tuned for some new posts!

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