4 Reasons Why The Hobbit Is Worth Watching


The release of the lord of the rings is, no doubt, the most remarkable achievement. Everyone loved the movie, and people don’t get bore by watching it in repeat modes. It was declared as the blockbuster film of that time. But with the release of the Hobbit in December 2012, it replaces the lord of the rings because of its certain attractive features added in the film. The Hobbit was directed by Peter Jackson, who made great efforts by directing the movie in accordance with the fan’s interest. He made an in-depth study of what the fans love to watch and accordingly put it in his movie. Earn money while watching The Hobbit. Play simple and interactive betting games at UFABET เว็บตรงไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์.

There are numerous reasons for proving that the Hobbit is worth watching a movie. In this article, we will discuss some of its reasons in detail. The movie has an excellent battle sequence, Legolas, which fans love to watch. Not only that, but this movie also provides one on one fight scenes, more fun, and action to its viewers.

Let’s discuss the five reasons in detail why the Hobbit is proven as the most outstanding achievement of all the time:

Songs of the movie

Songs of the movie play a vital role in making the movie hit. People love to sing the movie’s songs and try to learn the songs immediately after watching it. But the songs of the lonely mountain and the last goodbye proven to be very fantastic to hear and sing. At the end of the first and third movie, the songs put the vital exclamation mark. To enhance the Hobbit’s legacy, the songs stir the emotions.

Role of Smaug

The role of Smaug was well done and treated as the most cinematic dragon of all time. The motion capture performed by the Benedict Cumber batch was very impressive. The CGI effect also plays a significant role in the movie. The movie was released after a few years when the technology becomes advances, so there is an excellent use of CGI effects.

Martin freeman

The most inspired casting of the entire franchise was the casting of Martin Freeman as Bilbo. The character is played more excitingly and impressively. Bilbo starts off as the proper neat freak and coward when he was enlisted as a dwarven party member. But by the end of the party, he is a battle-hardened, wise, and brave adventurer. The character played by the freeman gets the cheerful delight of the movie than any other actor.

Exciting themes

Howard shore’s score was treated as the most vital part of the trilogy. These scores are quickly recognized as it has many different themes involved in it. With the score’s help, the audience can quickly learn whether the story involves the ringwraiths, Rohan, or the Shire. The music of Howard shore has a great and robust connection with the viewers.


Last but not least, these points, as mentioned above, are some of the main reasons for making the Hobbit movie a worth watching film of all the time. The characters in this movie had played a significant role that everybody loves to watch this movie.

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