Map of Rivendell – Lord Elrond’s House

1 point

I decided to visit Daniel Reeve’s website today as I hadn’t been there in a while and wanted to see if he may have anything related to his work on the Hobbit up for us to share in. While there was no news per se, there was on his main page an image of a map of Rivendell that he created. I haven’t seen the map before so I’m not sure if it has been created specifically for the movie The Hobbit or for some other Hobbit/Lord of the Rings related product.

The map of Rivendell image is just one of many of his works that gets cycled through when visitors access his website’s main page. Sadly, there is no larger image available on his website. Another image that pops up is a painting from The Hobbit of Smaug the dragon flying over Laketown. I’ve included both images here for you to see, but I urge you to please visit Mr. Reeve’s website to see all the other fantastic stuff he’s done.

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