Battle of the Five Armies: Facts, Spoilers, and Speculations


Sorry for the lack of recent updates to the blog/website – RL (real life) and copious amounts of playing WoW (World of Warcraft) have gotten in the way.

I don’t have time at the moment to create a decent post but can at least provide a few things concerning the next installment of the Hobbit franchise, “Battle of the Five Armies.”

While no official word has been released as to when we will see the first trailer for the final film, speculation is that it will be sometime this next month, and the date July 20th has even been floated around. So keep those sharp elvish eyes and ears open for the trailer soon!

The official title logo has been released and was posted to the official Twitter feed for The Hobbit.

This December… #TheHobbit

— The Hobbit (@TheHobbitMovie) May 1, 2014

For those who aren’t turned away from spoiler-ish info and just need to know everything, I invite you to check out this latest post by The One regarding some facts and speculations about the final film. I found the collection of Billy Connolly’s quotes regarding his character Dain Ironfoot rather amusing and exciting, and more Christopher Lee as Saruman – Yes please!

Hobbit 3 fact sheet: what we know about The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies is set to be released in theaters in the US 17 December 2014.

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