The Main Benefits Of Invisalign


Invisalign does not use brackets or wires, unlike metal braces. Instead, the patient is fitted with a series clear plastic aligners custom-made for their mouth.

They can be removed for eating, brushing, and cleaning their teeth. Plus, Invisalign express is discreet so nobody will know that they are wearing them.

No Food Restriction

Clear aligners are a great option if you’re looking for a straightening method that doesn’t require you to adhere to strict dietary restrictions. Invisalign allows you to eat your favorite foods without worrying that they will damage the aligners. With traditional braces, the chewy and sticky foods that many crave can cause the wires to rub against soft oral tissues, leading to abrasions and discomfort.

Invisalign express

Invisalign solves this problem by allowing the aligners to be removed easily before eating and stored in a case. It is important to brush and floss your teeth before reinserting your aligners after eating to remove any food particles that may have stuck to them or the aligners. Doing so will also help prevent tooth decay and cavities, which can prolong your Invisalign treatment if they are left untreated.

Sticky sweets and hard, crunchy foods like jawbreakers or crusty bread can cause the aligners to crack or chip, which can impact the alignment of your teeth and lengthen the time it takes for your smile to straighten. These foods are high in sugar which can feed bacteria in the mouth, leading to tooth decay and bad odor.

The same goes for crunchy or hard foods, such as popcorn kernels, nuts, hard raw vegetables like carrots, and meat with bones. They can also damage the aligners and affect the pressure on the teeth when they are in the tray. This could result in longer treatment times or the need for fillings, crowns, or other restorative procedures.


Invisalign aligners, unlike traditional braces are made of smooth plastic which won’t irritate the mouth. You can also remove the trays to eat and brush your teeth. This makes it easier to maintain healthy teeth. We recommend wearing your aligners at least 22 hours per day, but you can remove them for a few minutes if necessary. You can easily remove your aligners to take pictures or play sports, without having to worry about losing them.

While some patients may experience minor discomfort for a few to a couple of weeks after each tray, this is normal. It should only last a brief period. You can relieve any discomfort or pressure with over-the-counter pain relief such as acetaminophen and/or Ibuprofen. We also recommend using toothpastes that are designed for sensitive teeth to minimize any discomfort.

Some patients worry that wearing their aligners will affect their speech, but this is usually only a temporary issue for most. As the trays adjust to your mouth, you will find that your speech becomes more natural over time. Some patients also experience a lisp when wearing their aligners at first, but it should disappear after your mouth gets used.


Invisalign offers an attractive alternative for those who are reluctant to undergo orthodontic treatment due to the stigma attached with metal braces. Its clear plastic aligners are difficult to see unless someone is looking closely at your mouth, making them a great choice for adults and teens who want to straighten their smiles without worrying about social interactions.

Invisalign can be more discreet than traditional braces, and it is also faster. The process involves switching out your aligners for a new set every few weeks. Each set moves your teeth slightly closer to alignment. The result is a beautiful smile in less time than it would take to get traditional braces.

During your first consultation, you will receive a 3D scanning of your teeth as well as a preview of the Invisalign treatment results. At that time, you can also ask your dentist or orthodontist any questions you might have about the treatment.

You’ll need to schedule regular appointments once you have a treatment plan to ensure your smile is progressing as per your doctor’s instructions. During this time, your dentist will check that your trays are fitted correctly and you are wearing them the recommended amount of hours (typically between 20 and 22 hours daily).

Invisalign may be used to correct mild to moderate crowding or gaps in the teeth, as well some bite issues. Your orthodontist will recommend a different treatment if you have more complex issues.

Easier To Clean

Invisalign braces are much easier to clean. You can clean them with a toothbrush and warm water or a cleaner made specifically for clear aligners. To remove any hard deposits, they can be soaked in a mixture of distilled white wine vinegar and warm water.

Make it a habit to clean your Invisalign daily, typically when you brush and shave. This will help keep them smelling and looking good, and prevent bacteria from growing on your teeth. You should also clean your teeth whenever they look dirty, especially after consuming anything that could stain them.

When cleaning your Invisalign, it is important to avoid using abrasive products. These can scratch or damage the aligners. Avoid toothpaste with gritty particles as well as brushes with too hard bristles. It is also a good idea to avoid using mouthwash with alcohol in it, as this can also damage your aligners. Avoid coloured mouthwashes as they can stain aligners.

You should also try to use lukewarm water when washing your Invisalign, as hot water could warp them and cause them to become misshapen. It is also a good idea to store your aligners in their case each time you are not wearing them, as this will prevent them from getting lost or damaged. Do not forget rinsing them thoroughly before placing them back in your mouth.


Straight teeth are healthier, not only because they look better but also because they trap less plaque and food debris than crooked or crowded teeth. They’re also easier to clean, which can reduce gum disease and tooth loss over time.

The duration of Invisalign depends on your severity and compliance with the dentist’s instructions. If you don’t wear your aligners the recommended 20-22 hour per day, the results will be slower. Severe misalignments and bite issues will also require longer treatment times.

If you are a patient who is concerned about cost, ask your local dental school if they offer Invisalign at a reduced rate. You can be confident that the treatment is being provided by students under the supervision of dentists. Savings can be substantial, but you still have to pay to visit your dentist or orthodontist office every four or six weeks. Some people find this trade-off worth it. Some employer-sponsored health plans offer Invisalign as well, but this varies from one company to another and depends on the way your human resources department has negotiated benefits.

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