I’ve decided to add a new category to the blog, one that will help force me to make, at least, monthly updates to the site. I’ve been remiss at adding new content, and with the Hobbit now completed there is not as much news to report as there has been. There are, however, plenty of updates to the website that need to happen – elvish locations to be added, the whole Artifacts section to be worked on, and more profile pages for the Elves.

It is this last that I’ve decided to at least commit to on a monthly basis. At first I thought to call it ‘Elf of the Month’ but upon reflection I felt that it sounded too much like a pin-up poster, which might be okay if I was only posting male elves, but there will also be notable females as well. Hence, I’ve decided to call it ‘Notable Elf of the Month.’ Okay, it still has somewhat of a pin-up vibe but I’m hoping that by adding ‘notable’ in front it helps change it a little.
That brings us to who will be the first elf of note to be posted. There are already a few profile pages available on the website, and I could just post a link to one of them to start off with. I really, really wanted to start with Gil-Galad, as he is my favorite, but I’ve decided to save him for another month as I want to make some extensive updates to his page. Therefore, I’ve decided to add a new profile to the site, and one that seems more current with the completion of the Hobbit in theaters.
So, without further ado, I bring you the first Notable Elf of the Month – Thranduil!