Key Aspects For Tarot Reading


Tarot reading is a spiritual practice that emphasizes intuition over fortune-telling. The vibrant imagery on the tarot cards can open up your intuition and higher self, providing insight into what’s going on in your life.

Tarot cards can be read by either yourself or with professional assistance. There are various spreads and techniques for reading the tarot, so it’s essential to be familiar with what needs to be done before beginning any reading.

free tarot reading

The Major Arcana

Tarot offers 22 Major Arcana cards, each with their own symbolic significance. These archetypes form the basis of any successful reading and symbolize your current spiritual journey.

The Fool (also known as Zero in Tarot) is the initial card in any standard deck of cards. Representing new beginnings and fresh starts, this card travels along with us as we embark on our own explorations through the Major Arcana.

Another card to become familiar with is The Emperor, a masculine energy symbolizing authority and power. Typically shown sitting atop a throne with four rams’ heads, these representations of intellectual heights, determination, action, initiative, and leadership should be taken into consideration when playing this card.

When feeling overwhelmed or frustrated with the direction your life is taking, The Empress card may be just what you need. She symbolizes change and the potential success of any new venture you embark upon – so she wants to be there to assist and guide you along the way!

She may signify your readiness to take a deeper dive into yourself and discover your true purpose. She understands how to show love and encouragement, which can be instrumental in finding the strength to pursue your aspirations.

Finally, The Hierophant is the male counterpart to the Priestess. He symbolizes institutional authority and established traditions, so it may feel a bit high-handed if he appears in your reading. He sits atop a throne covered with Egyptian symbols representing life and the world – an excellent match for fire sign Aries.

The Magician is a Tarot card symbolizing the connection between physical reality and spiritual energies within. He often depicts himself with one hand pointing up towards the sky and another aimed down towards earth, signifying his unique position as an intermediary between them both. This card is known as “Master of Manifestation,” capable of making wishes come true through hard work and creative imagination.

The Minor Arcana

In divinatory, esoteric and occult tarot, the Minor Arcana are often seen as representing everyday aspects of life. Divided into four suits of 14 cards each (Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles), these cards each symbolize an aspect of life that many overlook.

Cups symbolize emotions and feelings; Wands represent fire, passion and drive; Swords communicate information or conflict; while Pentacles pertain to material things like money and the physical body.

Each Minor Arcana has its own significance and can be used alone or combined with the Major Arcana to gain a better insight into your current situation. Furthermore, they may help uncover past events or present obstacles preventing dreams from coming true.

Tarot decks typically contain 56 Minor Arcana cards, more than double the number of Major Arcana cards but still sufficient to address any topic or issue you are seeking clarity on.

After some practice with tarot reading, you may notice that more Minor Arcana cards appear more than Major Arcana cards in your readings. This is perfectly normal and a sign that your intuition is working for you.

However, if you keep receiving the same tarot card in every reading, it could be an indication of something significant happening in your life. It also could mean that you need to pay closer attention to what the card is trying to convey as far as its message or lesson goes.

Furthermore, receiving the same tarot card multiple times could indicate that you have reached a certain stage in your journey. This might be an ideal moment to assess where you stand right now and plan for what comes next in life.

The Minor Arcana can be a challenging element of your readings, but once you understand its basics, it becomes an enjoyable way to connect with yourself and others. By becoming more knowledgeable about each card’s significance, you will be better equipped to interpret messages in your tarot readings with more assurance.


Tarot spreads are an effective method for reading the cards, and there are various types available. Which one you select will depend on the situation or questions you’re asking as well as your own familiarity with tarot cards. Some spreads require less knowledge to use than others while others require a certain level of expertise to use correctly.

Some spreads, such as the Celtic Cross, may take some effort to read. However, they are worth the effort when you have a complex question that requires multiple steps of analysis and comprehension. Furthermore, these types of spreads help you visualize your path towards reaching your objectives.

The past-present-future tarot spread is a popular choice among many readers, as it allows you to reflect on both past and present events while considering potential outcomes in the future. You can draw one card representing either your past or present and two cards in the middle representing potential outcomes.

Another popular three-card tarot spread is the Blessings-Challenges-Action spread. This type of spread can be beneficial for people facing difficult decisions who require clarity about what should be done next.

Tarot deck instructions typically include several picture examples of different spreads to choose from, but you also have the option to create your own, which can be a fun way to customize readings.

Reed recommends selecting a spread that best answers the questions you are posing. Doing this will enable you to focus on the right elements of the inquiry and gain clarity on its answer.

Once you find a spread that you enjoy, it’s wise to practice using it. Try laying out several cards on the floor and letting them shuffle while thinking through questions you want answered.

After several readings, you will begin to comprehend the various ways to interpret each card in the deck. Remember that everyone is unique and each card has its own interpretation. For accurate readings, trust your intuition as well as what images appear on each card.


Psychics offer insight into a person’s life and help them comprehend what is going on. They may offer advice on relationships, work, and other areas of life which could encourage people to make changes and enhance their quality of life. Psychics may use tarot cards or other divination tools for making predictions.

Psychics can be found across the globe and offer their services in various formats, sometimes offering you a free tarot reading. For instance, some provide phone or video readings while others conduct in-person sessions.

Tarot readers who understand your life situation well will explain the cards accordingly, without trying to scare you. They are trustworthy in providing facts even if it means not telling you what you want to hear.

Psychics come in many forms, such as mediums and clairvoyants. Some specialize in predicting the future while others provide insight into past events or the deceased.

Spiritualists are another type of psychic who possess the gift of communicating with the dead. These individuals usually possess more spiritual knowledge than other psychics and can offer more accurate predictions about a person’s life path.

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