Elvish Translators Needed for Pittsburgh Public Art Tour


Can you speak/translate Elvish, or even Dothraki or Klingon? If so Pittsburgh’s Office of Public Art needs your help.

The group likes to tailor art tours to coincide with other events happening in Pittsburgh and this year they are planning on a downtown art tour the same weekend that the Wizard World convention will be held in November.

Do not worry if you have no knowledge of art. Translators only need to repeat what is being said in English in the fictional language they specialize in.

“They’ll have the benefit of hearing it in English and then hearing it in a language they’ve studied as a passion. I think it’ll be a great question for us to ask once they finish the tour: How was it in English? How was it in Elvish?” – Director Renee Piechocki, 90.5 WESA

Tours last from 45-60 minutes and will take place from November 4 through November 6, 2016. Compensation is $100.

Serious applicants should reply via the Craiglist listing at:

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